30 Things My Kids Should Know about me, Day 5.
What are 5 things that would make you most happy right now?
I have a feeling these are going to come off as selfish, so be it. I know we should be happy & thankful with what we have & generally, I am- but this is one of those days & that's just the way it is.
1. To be out of debt. It scares me daily that we struggle so much just to pay our bills & that payday isn't until next week & there's only $7.95 in our account right now. I'm scared that we'll never catch up & that it's going to bite us in the butt later for making such crap decisions. 99% of my stress comes from our finances.
2. To magically lose 15 lbs. 40 down, 15 to go- & they're harder than the last 40!
3. To find out what it is that I really want to do with my life. I wish I were one of those people that knew what I wanted to be or do, but alas, I'm not & at 31, I STILL don't know.
4. To have a buyer for this house. That would eliminate a good chunk of our debt & help with my stress level. It's a good house. I know it needs some work, but MAN, it's got SO much potential.
5. To be better at actually playing with my boys. I find that I really stink at getting down & playing with them, & I'm trying to make it a point to do that every. day.
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